The information contained on this site is not to be used for profit but you can copy it for personal use. You cannot claim ownership, restrict, or cause to be restricted, or change the status of any files that you download from this site. You cannot use the files for commercial use such as selling, advertising or monetary transactions. These files and pictures are free, you may use them, give them away, you cannot claim ownership restrict or sell them. When used, you must acknowledge from where the files originated.
By using any information from this web site, you agree not to hold responsible this site, me, nor any of its representatives, for any injuries and/or damages, both physical and/or psychological, that may arise from the use and/or misuse of anything derived from this site. The user further agrees that such information/pictures does not constitute any guarantee of accuracy, safety or reliability, and that cannot be held responsible for any way. The user agrees to proceed at their own risk.
This site and the information presented is used to identify my robots, older robots and robots no longer manufactured, is for entertainment, and to record and retain information for other hobbyists and history.
This web site was built with straight HTML. No Java, Pearl or programming scripts were used, with the exception of the web counter. All graphics was derived from image sizes 2448 x 1536 or larger when possible, and modified specifically to fit this site. It was then compiled with recognized graphic editors and is compressed with no hidden scripts. This was done because of the high volume of Spam and monitor scripts that infect the Internet today. This web site is as clean as I can make it and there is no advertising attached to this site. I would appreciate your feedback for inputs, corrections and comments. Please send text only and no attachments, if it is not related to the web site or robots it will be discarded.
My appreciation to all that have contributed pictures, information, sources, and allowed me to use it in creating this site. The pictures used are originals taken, manufactured or created from my robots, composite of pictures made by me, the manuals, instruction sheets, pictures or information sent to me, Advertisement and letters saved from the 1980,s, Magazines no longer printed, and pictures from the internet from other hobbyists.
SPECIAL NOTE : To Heath ®, RB Robotics ®, Androbot ®, TTC ®, Tomy ® CBS Toys, ® 2001 Trendmasters, Inc. ®, Radio Shack ®, Clone ®, Ideal ® Hasbro ®, and All Other Companies That Manufacture The Robots, or Companies That Claim Ownership, of pictures and information that are presented on this site. This site represents a presentation of my collection of robots and is for hobbyist only, and not for commercial use. It is not intended to represent your company or implied prior approval of anyone or any company, and any pictures or information that is in conflict with your company or policies, will be revised or removed when requested. I would like you to consider that the pictures and information are of both a collector and historical interest to many people.
Many times when such a collector comes into ownership of one of these robots it is incomplete, they rarely obtain all of the information and material that comes with it.Without this information, they have an incomplete item. All images, names, information, quotes or sounds used are the property of respective owners. Copyright and trademarks have been acknowledged where possible. No affiliation or endorsement has been made or taken, unless clearly indicated. Infringement is not intended. Contents will be removed if in violation. All material posted is for identification, entertainment, information, demonstration purposes and historical documentation only.
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RB Robotics ® RB Robotics ® Still produces the RB5X®. Educational and Personal Robots.
Androbot ® Androbot ® Produced the Topo,® Fred® and BOB® robots Educational and Personal Robots.
CBS Toys Produced for IDEAL TM the Electronic Maxx Steele TM Personal Robot
All Other © Companies ®That ManufactureTM The Robots © All Other © Companies That Manufacture The Robots, or © Companies That Claim Ownership |
 The Information Originates Click to Enlarge |
Heath Co. for (Zenith) - Heathkit ®
Heathkit ® Produced the Hero®, Hero Jr®, Hero 2000® and the Hero Arm Trainer®. Formerly from Heathkit, then Mobile Ed Productions, Now Proudly brought to you by the Robot Workshop! Educational and Personal Robots.
Tomy Co Ltd. produced the Omnibot line of robots from 1982 up until 1988
TOMY Co., Ltd. - In Japanese, K.K. Takara-Tomy Founded March 1, 2006 . Headquarters HQs in Japan, United States, United Kingdom, France, Hong Kong, Thailand. TOMY Co., Ltd. is the legal English name for the Japanese toy, children merchandise and entertainment company created on March 1, 2006 by the merger of "former" Tomy (Founded 1924) with Takara Co. Ltd. (Founded 1955). However, the new company made the unusual decision to adopt two different legal corporate names so while in English the name is simply TOMY, in Japanese the legal company name is the combined name, K.K. Takara-Tomy.
Tomy produced the largest robot line of the 80's. Tomy was very successful compared to other companies, and therefore many attempted to copy Tomy's robot image (decals, colours). Robots Produced not limited to, but include: Omnibot ®, Omnibot ® 2000, Hearoid® (TTC) , Omni ® Jr. , Verbot® , Chatbot®, Crackbot® , Dustbot®, Hootbot® , Dingbot®, Flipbot® , Spotbot®
Radio Shack
Radio Shack produced not limited to, but; include: Robie® Sr, Robie® Jr, Robie® The Talking Robot, Mobile Armatron®, Armatron®, Super Armatron®, and the Z-707 Iron Claw®
Axlon produced robots from 1984 up until 1986/7
Axlon produced a number of robots that include: Compurobot/George , Dogbot , Spybot , Talkabot. Compurobot was marketed as George in the UK by CGL but was Axlon design. The Axlon company was founded by Nolan Bushnell (creator of Atari, Androbot Inc.) in 1984. Axlon was largely sold to Hasbro.